Our Yoga

Primary Bodies of Knowledge

Hosh Yoga's school of thought is based on bodies of knowledge of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Kinesiology, Ayurveda, Chakras.

Close to the Source - Hosh Yoga Lineage

Tracing the lineage of yoga knowledge from Hamid, the founder of Hosh Yoga, back to the revered Krishnamacharya, we uncover a rich tapestry of teachings and traditions. This lineage is a testament to the depth and diversity of yoga as both a discipline and a way of life.

Krishnamacharya, known as the "father of modern yoga," played a pivotal role in the revival of Hatha Yoga in the early 20th century. His teachings laid the foundation for several forms of yoga practiced globally today. This lineage flows through Kavi Yogi Swarananda Mani Finger and his son, Yogiraj Alan Finger, who together developed ISHTA Yoga in South Africa in the late 1960s. Mani Finger was initiated into Kriya Yoga by Paramahansa Yogananda and later became a Kavi yogi after his initiation by Sivananda in India. Alan Finger, shaped by his father and other renowned yoga luminaries, including Krishnamacharya and B.K.S. Iyengar brought a profound and nuanced understanding to his teachings. Alan Finger's approach to yoga, integrating Hatha, Tantra, and Ayurveda, reflects the essence of ISHTA Yoga, emphasizing personalization and holistic integration.

Hamid was introduced to ISHTA Yoga in 2009 and began his training under Alan Finger, which continued in New York until 2012.
Mona Anand, Hamid's mentor since 2010, is a key figure in this lineage. She is a co-founder and senior teacher at ISHTA Yoga, having developed a unique approach to yoga nidra, Mona Anand’s ISHTA Yoga Nidra. Her teachings, integrating yoga nidra and restorative yoga, focus on balancing chakras and addressing doshic imbalances. She has developed various yoga nidra recordings and workshops, emphasizing deep relaxation and balance. Her teachings, deeply influenced by her own experiences and training, significantly contribute to the ISHTA Yoga lineage, enriching it with a unique blend of wisdom, joy, humor, and physical precision.

Thus, Hamid's lineage connects to Krishnamacharya's profound legacy through a line of distinguished teachers, each contributing their unique perspective and expertise. This lineage highlights the diversity and depth of yoga, demonstrating how it has evolved and been shaped by various traditions and individual experiences. For more information about Mona Anand, visit Mona Anand Yoga and ISHTA Yoga.

Additional sources:
Krishnamacharya’s Legacy: The Inventor of Modern Yoga - Yoga Journal
Information about Alan Finger on Shambhala
Information about Alan Finger and Sarah Platt Finger on Wanderlust

What is ISHTA Yoga

ISHTA Yoga, a unique and holistic approach to yoga, stands out in its versatility and focus on individual needs, making it particularly beneficial for urban dwellers in Baku. ISHTA is an acronym for Integrated Science of Hatha, Tantra, and Ayurveda, combining the physicality of Hatha Yoga, the spiritual and philosophical elements of Tantra, and the healing practices of Ayurveda.This combination offers a comprehensive approach to yoga that caters to the unique requirements of each practitioner.

The distinctive feature of ISHTA Yoga lies in its personalized nature. Unlike many mainstream yoga practices that might follow a more one-size-fits-all approach, ISHTA encourages each individual to discover a personal practice that resonates with their spirit. This aspect is crucial for urban dwellers who often face diverse and dynamic challenges in their daily lives. The flexibility and adaptability of ISHTA Yoga make it an ideal practice for those who need a yoga routine tailored to their individual physical, mental, and spiritual needs.

For city residents, who frequently encounter stress, hectic schedules, and a fast-paced lifestyle, ISHTA Yoga's approach can be particularly beneficial. The practice's emphasis on personalization means that each person can focus on aspects most relevant to them – whether that's physical postures to relieve tension, breathing techniques (pranayama) for stress management, or meditative practices for mental clarity.

Moreover, the integration of Ayurvedic principles allows practitioners to align their yoga practice with their health and wellness needs. This holistic approach not only improves physical flexibility and strength but also promotes self-healing and a balance between the body and mind. Such benefits are essential for maintaining wellbeing in the demanding environment of a city.

The inclusion of Tantric philosophy in ISHTA Yoga also offers an expansive view of life, encouraging practitioners to live to their fullest potential and recognize consciousness in all beings. This perspective can bring a profound sense of connection and purpose, often needed in the isolated landscape of urban living.

In summary, ISHTA Yoga's comprehensive and individualized approach makes it a valuable practice for urban dwellers. Its focus on personalization, combined with the holistic integration of Hatha, Tantra, and Ayurveda, provides a versatile and deeply nourishing experience that can enhance the quality of life amidst the challenges of city living.